Next Level Training For The Everyday Athlete



Are you ready to continue to develop as an everyday athlete and enhance your confidence jumping, bounding, lifting, and living life to the fullest?



Know you are training to be stronger, more powerful, and mobile so you can confidently take on all your athletic goals.



This program is designed to cover all aspects of athletic performance. There are periodized phases of training that target speed, strength and power. Conditioning sessions to improve anaerobic and aerobic health. And mobility practices to optimize recovery.


With a Coach and online athlete community you are surrounding yourself with the right people to support both you and your athletic endeavors.



  • Performance Testing. This will allow you to track your progress and see where you are making gains throughout the entirety of the program.

  • Programming 6 Days a Week. 2 Strength Training Days, 1 Metabolic Conditioning Day, 2 Conditioning Sessions (one aerobic & one anaerobic), plus 1 Mobility Session a week

  • No two workouts are ever the same!  You will have access to new workouts every month.

  • Sports Nutrition Fueling Resource from Registered Dietician Cara Kasdorf of Blueprint Nutrition

  • In-app messenger where you can message me anytime and connect with others on the team

  • Monthly Team Huddle over Zoom to discuss all you need to know for the next month of training

  • Video demonstrations of all exercises provided by your Coach and Strength and Conditioning Specialist Stacey

  • The option to track your sleep and heart rate for better performance and as a gauge of rest/recovery 

  • And more…




Barbell || Dumbbells || Kettlebells ||Plyo Box or Something to Jump On or Off || Superbands|| Mini Bands || Rack || Plates || Bench || Wall Ball, Slam Ball or Med Ball || TRX or Suspension Trainer

Don’t need a free trial? Ready to GET STARTED today?

$87 / Month



Hey, I’m Stacey Carswell, a Certified Strength & Conditioning Specialist and Performance Coach.  I help committed athletes train their way past injury and action takers continue to increase their training capacity. My protocol and programs are designed to improve performance while providing balance and longevity in every area of their sport and life.

I have learned that striving to be your best in sport and life requires paying attention to what your body is telling you, finding the right tools, and learning to advocate for yourself.

I have created The Everyday Athlete 2.0 program to support the everyday athlete (the retired athlete, recreational athlete and gym warrior) by providing a program that touches almost all aspects of training for athletic performance.

Many everyday athletes go to the gym and do whatever feels right to them that day.   Some try to build their own programming without a deep understanding of how to structure and progress it in stages.  And many stop integrating jumping, bounding and skipping into their workouts.  Sound familiar?

Just because your days as a competitive athlete have ended, doesn’t mean your athletic journey has to end also.  Making the transition from “athlete” to an everyday athlete will allow you to be strong, powerful and mobile so you can tackle all of your future athletic goals.


 Sign up now and get full access to

The Everyday Athlete 2.0 Program

$87 / Month




Frequently Asked Questions

  • This program was designed for those that like to train, workout and move. More importantly, it is for those that want to continue to feel athletic for life. The everyday athlete, is someone just like me (your Coach Stacey). I am no longer training to be competitive, except for with myself 😉, and I want to continue to feel strong, powerful and mobile no matter what crazy athletic goals I continue to come up with. If this resonates with you, you are likely an everyday athlete!

  • Not at all, you’ll have the ability to shuffle your workouts around in your calendar each week. The goal is to try and complete the scheduled 6 training days a week but I do know that life can be busy. As an action taker, gym warrior or retired athlete you likely have a hard time “skipping” a training day. As your coach, if you send me a message I can help you work through how to optimize your training schedule to suit you and your life.

  • Your 2 strength training days are approximately 60min depending on your pace and speed. Your Metabolic Conditioning Day is anywhere from 30-60min, depending of the training phase. Your Zone 5 conditioning comes in much shorter around 20-30min and your Zone 2 conditioning is 45-50min. Lastly, your mobility day is 30 min or less.

    In total that is 2.8% of the total hours in a week. That’s it 🤯!

  • No, but you do need to have a pretty fully stocked gym to get the full benefits of the program. If you didn’t see above here is what you will need:

    Barbell, Dumbbells, Kettlebells, Plyo Box or Something to Jump On or Off, Superbands, Mini Bands, Rack, Plates, Bench, Wall Ball, Slam Ball or Med Ball, and TRX or Suspension Trainer.

    If you don’t have access to everything on the list just yet, don’t let it hold you back from joining. If you come to an exercises where you don’t have a piece equipment you have access to the video library for similar substitutions.

  • Yes & No. If you sign up today you will have access to the app right away. The Everyday Athlete 2.0 Program will begin the Monday following the day you signed up. This will give you time to get familiar with the app, message me if you have questions, and track any freestyle training of your own. The Monday following, you will head right into your Performance Testing week and roll right into training after that.

  • No. This is a membership based program that gives you access to new workouts and training month after month.

  • You are NOT committed to the program for any period of time. You pay each month and can cancel whenever you’d like. You will still have access to the app and your programming for the remainder of any months that you’ve paid for even if you cancel in the middle of a month. There is no fee to cancel. 

  • Yes there are two levels of The Everyday Athlete program. The original Everyday Athlete Program was built for those that do not feel comfortable using a barbell or doing more complex exercises. The original Everyday Athlete Program only requires you to have dumbbells, bands, and other small equipment. Therefore, that program can be easily used in small home gyms, while traveling or in gyms where you have a little less equipment or space.

  • It is 100% me on the other end. When you send a message it alerts me directly. I try my best to reply as soon as possible Monday-Friday but I do work with clients in other capacities. If you don’t hear from me within 24 hours you can nudge me again.

  • Yes, there are definitely other capacities in which we can work together including The OG Everyday Athlete Program, Custom Designed Training Plans, or 1:1 Personal Performance Training. If you are unsure what is best suited for you, BOOK A COMPLIMENTARY CALL. On the call we will discuss your goals and find out if the other programs I offer might be a fit.